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Countdown to refurbishment

With just five days to go before the contractors, Bakers of Danbury, move onto the site, excitement is building.  For those involved directly in The Way Forward project, a bit of pinching is going on, "is this really happening?".  

It's been three years and many documents to get to where we are.  But prior to those three years, there were even more years of planning, refining and set backs.  Most folk are unaware that St Mary's had a failed lottery bid prior to their successful one.  And nobody really understands the enormous amount of work required just to submit an application for funding until you are involved in just that.

Hence the mounting excitement of being on the brink of a project that was born over ten years ago.  In those ten years, the heating finally broke down, the damp problem got much worse, the building was put on the Heritage at Risk register, new drainage work was undertaken, the original project team underwent personnel changes, a new vicar came along and more besides.

Head to our newsletter page to read all that has been happening this past month.

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