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Forward Momentum Newsletter Issue 8

The May newsletter was delayed because we were uncertain about securing the required funding to proceed with "Permission to Start." Fortunately, and at the eleventh hour, the necessary funding came in and the National Lottery Heritage Fund has granted permission. In just under two years after our First Round Bid, we have officially entered the "Delivery Phase."

What does the Delivery Phase entail?

It's all about action!

To kick off, we'll be recruiting for roles essential for the Activity Programme's success. Currently, the Project Administrator and Evaluation Consultant positions are filled. By September, we aim to fill the Heritage Engagement Officer and the Volunteer & Training Coordinator roles. By December, we plan to have the Historian in Residence and the Ecologist in Residence on board. For more information on these remaining roles, visit the Way Forward website at involved. We welcome applications from any interested parties; these can also be found on the website.

Different project team members and the PCC will be occupied with interviews in the upcoming months. The positions are being promoted on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, and we have a dedicated individual helping us with this task. Your prayers for suitable candidates to apply, and for wisdom in our selection process would be valued.

During July and August we’ll be packing up the church. Every single moveable item will need to be stored away. On 18th August we will hold our final Sunday service in the building. At some point during August/September, the conservators will do an examination of the walls to determine ways of preserving the wall painting and any other hidden paintings that may be on the walls. The building will officially close by mid September.

Regular church services will take place at the Friends Meeting House on Stebbing High Street. The first meeting will be at 11am on Sunday 1st September. Other activities will take place at Stebbing village hall or at Priors Hall Barn. The churchyard will remain open and burials can still take place.

In September, the project team will hold a meeting, known as a “start up” with the building contractor, Bakers of Danbury, to kick off the capital works. Discussions will cover timelines, payment terms, scheduled hard hat tours, and other relevant details. By October, Bakers of Danbury will commence the renovation work after moving in. The pews will be taken out and put up for sale. If you are interested in acquiring one, kindly inform Rhoda Herbert at

We look forward to introducing you to our new project team members in our September issue.


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