Informal Learning
Mid-week sessions will be taking place for pre-school aged children and their carers to ‘drop in’ and enjoy a warm and family-friendly space. Run by volunteers, these will coincide with the new pop up cafe provision and allow young families more flexibility in their use of the church.
Mid-week sessions will be taking place for pre-school aged children and their carers to ‘drop in’ and enjoy a warm and family-friendly space. Run by volunteers, these will coincide with the new pop up cafe provision and allow young families more flexibility in their use of the church.
Families and Visitors
Self-led activities, including a series of trails will be developed exploring themes of nature, music, art, architecture, and history and will be available to collect at all times from the church space. The trails will extend the activities past the boundaries of the church building offering families and visitors the opportunity to explore and learn about the surrounding environment too.
Families and Visitors
Self-led activities, including a series of trails will be developed exploring themes of nature, music, art, architecture, and history and will be available to collect at all times from the church space. The trails will extend the activities past the boundaries of the church building offering families and visitors the opportunity to explore and learn about the surrounding environment too.
Young People
Young people who want to be more regularly involved in the project and the church’s activities will be able to become Young Volunteers and/or form part of a community testing group. The testers will provide feedback on the proposed interpretation points and other outputs of the project, giving the view of a young audience to help the relevant volunteer working groups to create accessible and engaging content.
Young people will be encouraged to participate in intergenerational experiences like the hard hat tours and their engagement will inform the ongoing activity programme for young people following the lifecycle of the project. All activities for young people will include a social element to support the building of friendships between peers. A programme of wellbeing support will be developed, and young people will be supported by the wellbeing volunteers who will ensure the space is welcoming and safe for them.
Young People
Young people who want to be more regularly involved in the project and the church’s activities will be able to become Young Volunteers and/or form part of a community testing group. The testers will provide feedback on the proposed interpretation points and other outputs of the project, giving the view of a young audience to help the relevant volunteer working groups to create accessible and engaging content.
Young people will be encouraged to participate in intergenerational experiences like the hard hat tours and their engagement will inform the ongoing activity programme for young people following the lifecycle of the project. All activities for young people will include a social element to support the building of friendships between peers. A programme of wellbeing support will be developed, and young people will be supported by the wellbeing volunteers who will ensure the space is welcoming and safe for them.